What We Learned from April the Giraffe

Do you remember April the Giraffe?  I wasn’t the only one checking in two or three times per day with the pregnant giraffe live feed from the Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, New York.  Look, she’s eating.  Now she’s pacing–what does that mean?  Oh look, the caretaker is cleaning her stall.  Still, no baby giraffe.

The internet sensation started with a single camera and went viral.  And, although some may argue the correctness of dramatizing the event, I have to applaud the marketing and fundraising success of the coverage.

And, it makes me ask the question, what does your non-profit have that could also achieve publicity? Maybe, all you need is a camera and a social media feed.  And, of course, some imagination, a sense of humor, and a little time.  

Animals are usually a good choice.  Has your organization adopted a dog or cat?  If so, name her appropriately and start an Instagram page.  If you run an opera, name her Puccini and show pictures of her watching rehearsal or set construction.  If you run a cancer support group, name her Taxol and show her sitting on survivors’ laps.  

Or for that matter, adopt an animal and then have a contest to name her.  

No pets allowed?  What are you already doing that gives viewers a glimpse into your everyday story?   Can you show behind-the-scenes preparations for an event?  “Here’s Thomas organizing the food pantry for today’s meal delivery.”  The food pantry may seem mundane to you, but your next big contributor may be blown away by the complexity of your organization and Thomas’ story.  

Time-lapse photography can tell the story of a new exhibition, a new building, or a renovation.  Tease by showing close-up pictures of upcoming introductions (a new animal at the zoo, a new piece of art) but not showing them the full-scale view until your reveal date.

Just engage, invite, and humanize what you do.  Let your audience see the real you preparing and performing your mission every day. What did we watch on April’s feed for weeks, no months, before she gave birth?  Nothing inherently interesting.  Just the staff raking, feeding, watering, and checking on a pregnant giraffe.  This was not quality, well-scripted video, but it had thousands of viewers checking in regularly.  And donating their monetary support on-line.  

What’s your April?  

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