What’s Going on in Your Bathrooms?

Public restroom

You have heard all the advice about considering your physical space to see what sort of image it projects to your clients and potential donors.  Is the front desk neat and inviting or messy and confusing?  Are the plants in the lobby thriving or dead?  Is your signage professional, or do you use a hand-scribbled…

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One Bad Finance Committee Meeting

Three people meeting at a table

“It was like a really bad SNL skit,” Janet* told me.   Janet was a brand new board member and chair-elect of the finance committee. They had been meeting in the conference room.  “They” being the finance committee:  the board chair, the board treasurer, the executive director, the bookkeeper, Janet, and a few other board members…

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Leadership Lessons from Hospital Passes

Kid kicking soccer ball

Sometimes I find leadership metaphors in the strangest places.   My son played soccer with a local club team for many years.  He used to complain about one of the players on his team, Jason*, who just couldn’t seem to anticipate members of the opposing team closing in on his teammates.  Jason would make a seemingly…

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